I want to say thanks to my teachers in the work of family constellations:t: Bert Hellinger for his courage and his vision and Ramonda Austermann for the profound education.
I give thanks to the lineage of the twisted hairs, foremost grandfather Two Bears, Grandfather Swift Deer, Batty Thunderbear Gold, Sabina Tschudi, Ursula Visioning Basket Raab, Axel RAven Redhawk Schemuth for the dedication and discipline for the continuation of the lineage and the teachings. They have had incredible patience with me, showing me the interconnedtedness of all human beings, the universe and all children of grandmother earth.
Thank you, Peter Eagle sees far, for sharing your profound knowledge about hypnosis and how our subconscious mind works.
Thanks Jonathan Monks & Mithila for the beautiful movements!
And Kriyajii and Lujan Matus for your strength and kindness.
I give thanks to all the people that i met on my path of life, the moments of understanding and learning that we shared and all my clients, with all their individual stories of live, that helped me so much to understand that we are separate beings but deep inside all united.